Wednesday, January 23, 2013


It so good to be BACK in BLOG! Yeah! It's more than a year I haven't visited this account.

Thumbs up for this! It is OJT time here at Callbox Inc. Davao City. Im in my last sem of schooling. Isn't it cool that I am about to graduate now? All the school stuffs are about to be over - no more announced and unannouced quizzes, assigments, projects, exams, cutting classes, chatting with classamates when the teacher is discussing, going out the room and come back again when the time is about to end, white lies and MOST especially no more ALLOWANCE at all.

To all graduating students; THIS IS IT! Seize the moment and never ever stop having fun! Next chapter of our lives is fast approaching so make the most out of it! Keep learning!

<3 JanineAngelie

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